Sep 23, 2024

Surveyor's Garage Sale

Survey equipment box, measuring 5’-6” x 2’-8” x 2’-2” tall, that fits a suburban or SUV for $80;  a new 90° prism w/case for $50;  a homemade light table wooden box measuring 38" x 26" and stands 8" tall (heavy duty construction) for $45;  a Keson 200 ft. tape for $100;  assorted tribrachs and black swivel bases for $150 (BOGO); 573-443-6219.

All can be seen on craigslist, for pics.  Could transport to the Oct meeting at Margaritaville.   

Thanks for the help.  Still trying to empty out surplus items.

Ronald G. Lueck  -  LUECK SURVEYING
5585 Pinehurst Lane     573-443-6219           573-881-8861 Cell
Columbia, MO  65202-2908